For over 250 years, Coffee has evolved to become part of many cultures, livelihoods, and economies around the world.
According to a study by the International Coffee Organization (ICO), coffee accounts for the primary source of income for more than 10 million households in 25 African coffee-growing countries.
The study further estimates that the global demand for coffee will increase by more than 10 million metric tons by 2020.
International Coffee Day is a global celebration that highlights the importance of coffee, raises awareness about sustainable cultivation and fair trade practices within the coffee industry.
It is also an opportunity to honour the women and men who grow, harvest the coffee we love and makes the journey of coffee from the farm to our local shops possible.
Nestlé recognises that coffee farmers face many challenges, such as low yields unstable environmental conditions, which affects their livelihoods.
To help address these challenges, Nestlé has put in place the Nescafé Plan.
Below are 3 ways that Nestlé in Central & West Africa makes sure that the coffee it uses is “Grown Respectfully” to deliver you a great-tasting cup of coffee every day.