Ukraine has accused Russia of shelling the country from across the border as US Vice President Joe Biden visited Kiev on the first anniversary of mass protests which triggered the past year of turmoil.
During his visit on Friday, Biden warned that Moscow was risking isolation over its “unacceptable” aggression in Ukraine.
“It’s simply unacceptable in the 21st century for countries to attempt to redraw borders by force … because they don’t like a decision their neighbour has made,” he said after meeting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
Biden warned that the Kremlin had failed to fulfil its commitments under agreements struck in September, adding: “So long as that continues, Russia will face rising costs, greater isolation.”
Ukraine’s government hopes Biden will use his visit to announce further US assistance for its forces, locked in a drawn-out struggle with pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine.
The US has so far limited its support to non-lethal security assistance but Kiev wants it to go further and offer weapons and ammunition. BY ALJAZEERA