The Director General, National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), Emeka Mbah, has said that the process of reviewing the Nigerian broadcasting code has begun, with the NBC seminar which started at the Kakanfo Inn and Conference Centre, Ibadan, on Sunday.
Mbah, who was represented by the commission’s Director, Public Affairs, Awwalu Salihu, during a press conference to herald the seminar in Ibadan, said the workshop would bring together all stakeholders in the broadcast business, with the aim of getting those involved to know what should be known about the code and identifying areas that needed to be reviewed.
While expressing the importance of abiding by the rules as presented by the NBC in the code, Awwalu also regretted that many producers of programmes on radio and television contravened the code while claiming ignorance. He added that if all concerned professionals had the code, payment of penalties and constant friction with the NBC would be reduced.
He said, “The code was last reviewed four years ago. It is important that everyone understands the rule of the game. This is why the workshop is given the theme, ‘Understanding the Nigerian broadcasting code’. This means that as a broadcaster, you must know what the code allows you to do. There are certain programmes that are prohibited at certain time of the day while some pictures are not palatable. When you are dealing with crime, you must understand the privacy of those concerned.
“Understanding the code makes us better professionals. But some have told us that they have never seen it. This is amazing and unbelievable. The NBC made it a point to ensure a copy is available at every station. People just lock it in a cabinet, without reading it. It should be in every newsroom. That is why we are bringing this information to the people. The current edition is due for a review and this platform will provide a talking point for everyone to contribute.”
Awwalu also accused musicians of using the social media to attack the NBC when any of their work that lacked standard practice was penalised by the commission.